An outright spiritual book is overwhelming for many to absorb. The content bounces over the head. But when the same spiritual Gyan comes with little fictional adventure, it becomes a fun read. It is something that the author Vikram Singh tried in his debut novel Mystery of Urban Monks.

Mystery of Urban Monks is about three friends on a spiritual journey, which is full of adventure and sometimes danger. The author was candid when we ask all sorts of questions to him about the book, his experience, and other stuff. Read on.
Q – Mystery of Urban Monks is your first book. How did the writing of this novel change you?
Vikram – It didn’t change anything materially, but becoming a writer gives you more sense of responsibility to readers in particular and society in general.
Q – The story is about three character Asif, Krish and Tony embarking on a spiritual journey? Have been on such a spiritual voyage? If yes then please share your experience and how much did it shape your book?
Vikram – I have traveled extensively and that gave me a lot of experiences. I think writing is just putting those experiences in the form of a story. I have traveled to a few places covered in the book and the rest is research.
Q – Yogi’s character in the book was a mysterious and spiritual one. Can you talk about how his character emerged? What choices did you make in creating his character?
Vikram – Yogi is although not the protagonist but is a very important part of the story. I wanted a character who was a reservoir of knowledge, spiritually awakened yet belonging to this world. Most importantly, had a different perspective on life.
Q – Does writing this book energized or exhausted you?
Vikram – Writing this book was energizing and enjoyable.
Q – Does a big ego help or hurt writers?
Vikram – I am not sure about big ego but I think for any writer acceptance of her/his thoughts are as important as writing them down.
Q – Tell us about the rhythm of your writing and how you use that flow to tell the story.
Vikram – I don’t follow any set rules but I prefer short sentences and use longer sentences only for giving an immersing experience.
Q – What is your writing Kryptonite?
Vikram – Internet surfing.
Q – What are your writing rituals?
Vikram – I prefer writing late at night as it is easy for me to concentrate. I like to have a cup of tea or play a mobile game during breaks.
Q – What does literary success look like to you?
Vikram – Literary success is when your writing stimulates your readers. For me, as an author the most important parameter to gauge my success is when my readers say, they are looking forward to my next book.
Q – And lastly how many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? When can we expect your next book?
Vikram – I am currently writing my second novel. You can expect by December 2021.
BookWorld wishes to thank the author Vikram Singh for finding time for this interview and best wishes for Mystery of Urban Monks and all the future endeavor.