Author Interview – Yezdi(Author of Indomitable)

Q. I read the blurb of the book Indomitable and was immediately intrigued. I googled about you but found nothing. Like me, many would be curious to know something about you. 

Yezdi – Yes, I need to up my social media profile. I am an introvert who loves nature, reading, eating and playing with my kids, not necessarily in that order. I am a banker by profession but a bookworm at heart.

Q. The synopsis of the book reminds me of Jamshedji Tata. Is the book inspired from his life? 

Yezdi– Not at all, although the Tata Trust is featured in the book under a pseudonym.

Q. How long did you take to write this book and what hurdles you faced? 
Yezdi – It took me 6 years to write the book and the main hurdle as I wrote my first novel was how do I keep my readers engaged and maintain their interest throughout the book. 

Also, with every version of the book ( I think there were 4 in total) I thought I was done. But then I would get feedback from my consultant and I would be back at my desk trying to reword the chapters.

Q. What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing  Indomitable? 

Yezdi– My ability to use certain words and phrases that evoke a strong mental picture in the reader’s mind.

Q. Your book is receiving buoyant reviews. What do you think makes a good story?

Yezdi – Thank you for noticing. I think a good story is based on what is true and real and from what I have read in all of my life, the best fiction is usually fact, all dressed up as fiction.

Q. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Yezdi– I was singularly lacking in ambition until I was about 15 or so and then wanted to pursue a career in Hotel management. But fate had other plans and I got into the banking and finance world. 

Q. Please share your publishing experience. What are common traps for aspiring writers?

Yezdi– That is a loaded question but my advice to all aspiring writers is write with all your heart and soul. But once written, make sure you put in your heart and soul to market it well. Also, always read the fine print while getting into agreements with publishers or agents and ask questions so that you don’t misinterpret a crucial point. So far, my publishing journey has been one of trial and error but I am constantly learning.

Q. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

Yezdi – My effort has always been to deliver a good story; I am sure readers can make out when a writer is trying to put on a charade and lacks good storytelling skills.

Q. What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

Yezdi – Can’t think of any novel off hand that was under appreciated by readers.

Q. Tell us about your upcoming projects?

Yezdi – I haven’t yet started on my next book since I am busy in promoting Indomitable. But I think it will be a non-fiction book based on my life learnings.

This was the extracts of the conversation with the author Yezdi. BookWorld wishes the author all the success for the book Indomitable and many more which will come in future.

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