I picked up the book Many Miles To Go by Brain Tracy for a casual read, honestly, with no intention to finish it. But bingo. Within a few pages into the book the narrative took me in such a grip that I was not able to put it down till finished.
What It Is All About?
It is a travelogue.
Yes, it is true. Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker and a business consultant. I was expecting Many Miles To Go to be a self help book with long narrative giving life altering lessons. But it turned out to be completely different.
A Travelogue
The author, along with his four friends decided to travel to South Africa from North America with a paltry amount of $300 only, daunting 17,000 km to cover.
They faced many difficult situations and three of his friends opted out mid way. Only the author and his friend Geoff traveled till the end enduring many suffering like dysentery, heatstroke, excessive exhaustion, shortage of money, tiredness etc.
Brain and his friends were roughly 20 years old when they decided to brave the ever scorching heat of the Sahara desert. The temperature at the Sahara was anywhere near to 110 degree Fahrenheit or more.
Many Miles To Go is a travelogue about this adventurous trip to South Africa undertaken by the author and his friends and life lessons learned through it.
My Thoughts
The narrative is enormously gripping, fast paced with something happening all the time. The road trip was full of ups and downs, mostly downs. And how the author and his friend battled all the downs and odds, problems and stumble blocks, discouragements and disheartening, diseases and fatigue to reach their goal, their destination.
Naturally, on such an expedition where you have crossed three continents, you are bound to acquire a lot of experience and exposure.
By the time both the travelers reached their home, they were adults and a lot wiser than before. Their perseverance and never-to-quit attitude made them achieve the unthinkable.
Great Writing Style
The author has effortlessly and skillfully blended all the life lessons learned through this journey in the book. Not once those life lessons appeared to be forced into the travelogue. It is but logical for one to learn so much when pushed into the uncomfortable zone with adverse situation.
I have summarized all the life lesson in concise manner if you don’t find enough time to read the entire book. But if you like reading travelogue then you shouldn’t miss reading Many Miles To Go.
The Verdict
Never before I have read such an enthralling and interesting book imparting life lessons in the most effective way that is both inspiring and fun to read.